Friday 5 February 2010

Plot Ideas

Our group came up with many different plot ideas. We then decided to combine different elements together to create one.

Firstly we gave out questionnaires and found out that the most enjoyable and watched thrillers are psychological thrillers. This is why we decided our thriller would be psychological.

The first plot idea we came up with was that the opening would show a character who is experiencing weird things and briefly hint to the audience what the rest of the thriller is about.

As we researched psychological thrillers, we came up with another idea of adding a psychiatric ward and create a character who has gone 'mental' and ends up in a psychiatric ward.

As we done further research, we noticed that most thrillers included little girls. This added more suspense and drama to the whole psychological thriller.

We then decided to combine these ideas together and create an opening sequence where there would be a character who finishes work and leaves her workplace at about 7:00pm. She waits for the bus and there is a little girl constantly watching her. However, the character doesn't see the little girl watching her but the audience do.

During her journey home, there are short snaps of weird things that she has previously experienced. These things include writings on the wall/mirror, a shadow, someone at the window, burnt pictures, letters and continuous phone calls at a certain time. The character has nearly reached home and there is another quick snap of her in the psychiatric ward twitching. She reaches her home, slams the door shut and it cuts to her in the psychiatric ward screaming, and all the doctors rush in to calm her down.

We continued our research to see if there were any improvements or any other ideas we could add or change. We came up with another plot which involved a diary. We were going to use this diary as an object that would have a big influence in the storyline and would also be used for the credits. This opening sequence would be a girl at the psychiatric ward talking to a doctor, this girl would be rocking back and forth. This would indicate to the audience that the girl is a bit 'crazy'. The doctor would ask the girl 'When did it all start?' and then the girl would point to a page in the diary and it would show the girl coming out of work.. etc. This is similar to the first plot, whereas in this storyline, as the girl comes out of work, she drops a diary. This automatically indicates to the audience that the diary has some sort of importance to the film.

Both plots were very similar. However, the first plot started with the psychiatric ward being shown later on and the second plot began with the character being in the psychiatric ward and explains how she got there.

After a long time discussing various plots, we came to a conclusion that we would use the first plot. This is because as it is only a 2 minute opening sequence, the diary credits would take too much time there would not be enough time for everything to go on at once.

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