Saturday 20 February 2010

Mise En Scene: Costumes

Our opening sequence consists of a young business woman on her journey home from her workplace. A classic business woman look is very elegant, samrt and also slightly sexy. Our character will be wearing classical attire such as:

This is the type of smart clothes you would expect to see a business woman in. The black suit makes the character seem to be very serious about their work. Also the heels will make her look sophisticated and feminine.

This is the type of hairstyle we want our character to have. It is a neat and practical by stylish hairstyle which we like, because although she is a business woman she cares about looking presentable.

The trench coat connotes that the character is sophisticated. Aloso this part of the costume is essential because we will be filming in cold weather.

The character will be holding a briefcase because this prop will help the audience to identify the character is in fact a business woman.

This prop will also be useful to help the audience establish the character. Blackberry phones are manufactured to be used for business use. Also our character through the scenes will be making lots off calls, to connote to the audience her work is an important factor to the character and she carries on her work past working hours.

Another prop that will be used is a business diary. Whilst our character is making her way home and also making phone calls she will also be jotting down appointments within the book.

Our story is that the woman will go through some traumatic experiences and we want in the first sequence to show a contrast of her appearance being smart, clean and pristine, and the little snapshots will see her looking dishivelled.

In the psychiatric ward we plan to make the characters wear wite, to show connote to the audience that it is a institute of some sort without being too obvious. This is the type of look we want to go for, where the character wears all white and looks distressed and manic. The messy hair also adds to the mise en scene and is what our group will do with our character.

In our sequence we are going to show doctors in the pshychiatrist ward. We will dress them in white coats like above to establish that they are doctors. we plan to give them props that a doctor would carry such as a clipboard, pen and will be dressed smart.

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