4) Who would be the audience for your media product?
As a group, we decided the target audience would be ‘15’ and over since most psychological thrillers are rated a 15. For all social groups and ethnicities. Those who are part of the Islamic religion and wear the hijab may feel they need to watch the thriller to see if they are represented positively or negatively.
The representation of the Muslim Women social group was positively represented; this was because it challenged the stereotype of women staying at home and being a ‘house-wife’ whilst the man earns the money. It also represents gender and woman in general by showing that women can also be successful and independent.
During our initial research, we found that most people liked the idea of the character being in a dream state and are brought between the two; a dream and reality. However, there was an issue as some felt there needed to be more scenes of the character being in a hospital to emphasise the idea that the character is in a mental hospital dreaming and caught up between what lives was before she went in there and how it’s affecting her now.
I think our thriller would appeal to people who like Shutter Island and Final Destination 2. Final Destination 2 has a scene of a female character that is in a mental hospital because she has experienced a weird phenomenon, because some of our ideas came from this scene such as the mise-en-scene and lighting.
Evaluation Questions
14 years ago
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