Saturday 27 March 2010

Representational Issues

In our opening sequence 'Deranged' we will be representing a young female Muslim women and also mental patients. These two issues are very sensitive and have to be represented correctly. In order to do this we have decided on what we will be showing in the film.

To show a young working business woman we will have a character that appears to be wearing a hijab and respectable clothing as a sign of her religion. But she will also be wearing smart business attire to show that she is in fact a serious business woman as well as having strong faith.

To represent a mental patient we have decided not to do too much drastic things. Our main character will be dressed in white, traditional institute clothes. We plan to also have doctors that will be looking after her to show that she is not very stable and needs support. Also we plan to make her do specific gestures such as rocking in her bed, staring into space or twitching in her sleep to assume that she is troubled in the mind.

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